(Dir:) J.J. Abrams

Super 8

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Super 8 poses as an homage to the Spielberg films of the 70s and 80s. It’s based in a small town, focuses on a group of precocious children and the military are bogeymen not to be trusted. But in the end, the film goes its own way. There was always a clarity about those early Spielberg films. We knew who the heroes and...


(Dir:) Joe Wright


Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Ever wondered what a British arthouse action film would feel like? Wait no more, for we have Hanna, possibly one of the most peculiar action films ever made. There’s nothing particularly original in this movie. Thrown in some Bourne Identity, add some La Femme Nikita and sprinkle with everything from Leon to A Clockwork Orange to Mission: Impossible to Batman Begins to the...


(Dir:) Nicolas Winding Refn


Friday, October 07, 2011
A cheesy, synth-heavy song plays over the credits at the end of Drive. With dreamy, hushed sincerity, it proclaims that the central character of the film has proved himself to be a ‘real human being’ and a ‘real hero’. This after we’ve seen him smash heads to smithereens, slap women across the face and blow people away with firearms. He’s neither of these...


(Dir:) Raul Ruiz

Mysteries of Lisbon

Monday, August 08, 2011
Last year my wife and I were supposed to see a film called Mysteries of Lisbon at the New York Film Festival. At just over four hours, it’s not surprising that we didn’t make it. A film of this length is a heavy commitment to say the least, especially when you’re surrounded by jumped-up festival goers. [Cut to a couple of weeks ago]...


(Dir:) Jason Eisener

Hobo With a Shotgun

Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Welcome to Hope Town! Or to give it its more appropriate name...Scum Town. This is a city that makes the Old Detroit of RoboCop look like Princeton. A city that makes Mogadishu look like an attractive place to spend your retirement. Hope Town is probably as bad as it gets. Despite this, an elderly hobo, played by Rutger Hauer, takes up residence in...


(Dir:) Adam Green

Frozen (2010)

Sunday, June 05, 2011
What a great concept for a movie. We’ll take three obnoxious bozos, stick them on a ski lift and then have them get stuck on there with no one to help. We’ll even have a storm...and maybe some wolves. Yeah, that’ll be great! It’s part of my peculiar nature to find a premise like this intriguing. How the hell do you generate drama...


(Dir:) Renny Harlin


Thursday, June 02, 2011
The opening to Cliffhanger is meant to be a harrowing experience. We're meant to feel enormous sorrow and pity as an innocent woman plunges to her horrible death. But how can we experience any kind of horror when Frank, a helicopter pilot played by Ralph Waite out of The Waltons, is in the background cackling with laughter? Just watch him. His eyes sparkle...


(Dir:) Danny Boyle

127 Hours

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
This is no word of a lie - after watching 127 Hours, my arm ached for hours. And not just a minor ache. The bone inside hummed. I was having difficulty lifting my arm. I ended up going to sleep in some minor discomfort. All of this is small fry shit compared to what Aron Ralston (James Franco) has to go through. On...


(Dir:) Tom Hooper

The King's Speech

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Has there been a more idiotic decision in recent cinema than Harvey Weinstein’s choice to re-release The King’s Speech as a PG-13 movie? I mean, surely The King’s Speech has been successful enough, winning Oscars galore and raking in hundreds of millions of dollars. Apparently not - now it must appeal to the kids. And how is Harvey Scissorhands going to achieve this...


(Dir:) Tom Hooper

The Damned United

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Brian Clough was one of the most amazing managers that the footballing world has ever seen. Brash, loud and outspoken, he took not one but two provincial, second division teams and turned them into English champions (with Nottingham Forest, he even turned them into European champions!). It’s a feat that is unlikely to be repeated. But then there’s Clough’s tenure as manager of...


(Dir:) Darren Aronofsky

Black Swan

Thursday, March 03, 2011
One film immediately sprang to mind while I was watching Black Swan: The Piano Teacher. Both films are about performers trapped in claustrophobic relationships with their mother. Both films are about self-destruction. And both films are about the sacrifices people make for their art, often to the detriment of their well-being. Another film that sprang to mind was Darren Aronofsky’s previous movie The...


(Dir:) Anthony Minghella

The Talented Mr Ripley

Friday, January 14, 2011
I first saw The Talented Mr Ripley during its original theatrical run. It got decent reviews and looked like an intriguing film. However, I didn’t quite expect it to be as good as it was. For my money, it was one of the best films of the year. Since then, The Talented Mr Ripley has kind of fallen off the radar a little....