(Dir:) Oliver Stone

Wall Street

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Isn’t going to work every day wonderful? Getting up early in the morning, squashing yourself into a train full of flatulent commuters and then spending most of the day answering badly written, poorly thought-out emails. But things were even worse in the 80s. Back then you had to write letters and back then you didn’t have the consolation of an ipod on your...


(Dir:) Bruce Robinson

How to Get Ahead in Advertising

Thursday, September 09, 2010
In Withnail and I, Bruce Robinson made one of the funniest films there is. Therefore it was always going to be hard for him to make anything that would equal his debut. However, in How to Get Ahead in Advertising he comes mighty close. The reason why Robinson's second film fails to match Withnail and I is because it’s far too preachy. There...