Top Five Animated Films5. Fantastic Mr FoxAfter the disastrous Darjeeling Limited, Wes Anderson redeemed himself with Fantastic Mr Fox. Sure it features his usual themes of familial strife, but it’s also very funny and visually inventive. The scene at the beginning where the foxes creep through a farm by limboing under window frames is a good example of the film’s light, airy tone.4....
Top Five Crime Films5. Sexy BeastBen Kingsley may get most of the plaudits for playing the shouty psychopath Don Logan, but Ian McShane plays the most chilling villain here. Fucked in the arse by a banker during an orgy, he decides to fuck the guy in return by robbing his bank. Basically the film isn’t about Ray Winstone and Ben Kingsley, it’s about...
Top Five Adventure Films5. GladiatorSword and sandals epics have always been a guilty pleasure of mine. I love Spartacus and Ben Hur, and I even managed to derive a very meagre amount of enjoyment out of Cleopatra. Therefore I was delighted when Gladiator came around. I was hoping that it would kick ass and thankfully it did. With a big burly lump of...