Watchmen is a referential adaptation of its source material. As such, it boasts the same strengths and suffers from the same weaknesses. The strengths are its imagination and the way it perverts the superhero genre, and the weaknesses are the disappointing final act and the episodic nature of the narrative – the story doesn’t really flow.Thankfully, though, the movie, by necessity, has pared...
“Oh man! Oh god, oh man! Oh god, oh man! Oh god, oh man! Oh god, oh man! Oh god!”Want to find the worst line reading in the history of cinema? Then look no further than Tough Guys Don’t Dance and the above dialogue. To be sure, any actor would find it hard to wrap their mouth around such shit, but Ryan O’Neal...
Grimly predictable but mindlessly enjoyable, Tango & Cash limps onto the screen like a mangy dog. It has no pedigree whatsoever, but the ugly old mutt still manages to put a smile on my face.Perhaps the most pleasing thing about the whole enterprise is its fidelity to tired buddy cop clichés. Here we have two detectives who are forced to team up in...
I’m sure that the first thing that springs into people’s minds when they see Armageddon is why did they shoot a deep core drilling team into space? Why not train astronauts to bore a hole into an asteroid? After all, these people are among the most intelligent, most disciplined, most skilled individuals on the planet. But the film tells us that drilling is...
I’m sure that every kid that has been bullied at school has had some sort of revenge fantasy in their head. Most of the time I imagine it’s quite banal. You know, wouldn’t it be nice to punch my tormenter in the face or wouldn’t it be nice to kick them in the shins. However, with Let the Right One In, the childhood...