With any luck Gran Torino will be the last film that Clint Eastwood will star in. And I don’t say that because the film is sub-par or because the man is past his prime. No, the film is excellent and Eastwood still has the same power on screen that he’s always had. Instead I hope it will be his last film because it...
You might as well just give up trying to see another decent Terminator film. It just isn’t going to happen now. With Rise of the Machines, Jonathan Mostow made a jokey parody of the first two films and now with Salvation McG has made Transformers. The straight-ahead, gritty, blue collar, white-knuckle thrills of the first two films have given way to tedious, humourless,...
People often complain that Terminator 2 was too kid-friendly – there were too many lame attempts at humour. Well, I've never had a problem with T2, preferring it to the original, but with Rise of the Machines the franchise goes too far. The most gut-wrenchingly awful bit has to be the infamous "talk to da hand" scene. What the hell? The Terminator should...
My brother and I used to refer to Days of Thunder as Days of Chunder (to ‘chunder’ being to vomit). In our estimation, the film was so shit that just to watch a few moments of it would make you regurgitate all over yourself. So how did it fare this time? Was it as bad as I remembered? Yes. And did I puke...
It’s kind of strange that Slumdog Millionaire was marketed as a feelgood movie. Yes, it has a fairytale ending, but it’s a story filled with violence and misery. There’s a lot of shit to crawl through. At one point the film takes this literally. There’s a scene where the hero, Jamal, has to wade through loads of excrement in order to meet a...