James Marsh

Man on Wire

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
If I had to come up with an ultimate nightmare, it would sound something like this: my fiancé and my family are on the top of a very large tower – probably a couple of thousand feet from the ground. They’re being held there for reasons I can’t comprehend. All I can see is that they’re stuck there and I must get to...


Burgess Meredith

Madame X

Monday, August 25, 2008
They don't make them like this any more! Thank Christ...Anyone who is moved by this movie is either a huge Lana Turner fan or they've spent far too much of their life comatose in front of their television, dribbling from their mouth as they watch ridiculous soap operas. For that is what this film is. It's a hysterical, nonsensical soap opera; a film...


Al Pacino


Saturday, August 23, 2008
Steve Burns (Al Pacino) is an ambitious cop that’s asked to go fist-deep undercover to find a gay serial killer. If he cracks the case, he’ll become a detective without having to do ghastly things like traffic duty. Needless to say, he jumps at the chance to climb so high so quickly.The only slightly worrying thing is that Steve has to immerse himself...


Burt Young

Rocky Balboa

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Who would have thought that the sixth Rocky film would have been a legitimately good movie? Not me. I mean, most of the subsequent sequels were fun, but they were definitely guilty pleasures. They were cartoon filmmaking. But here we have a lovely, sweet movie – a film that’s worthy of ending the series.If anything, Rocky Balboa is almost a carbon copy of...


Burgess Meredith

Rocky V

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The trouble with the American Dream is that everyone wants a piece of it. No one is happy to sit back and be content with his or her lot in life. Just take Rocky's accountant - he embezzles the Italian Stallion's millions and Rocky becomes a peasant again. He’s back to where he was in the first film – on the cold Philadelphia...


Burt Young

Rocky IV

Thursday, August 07, 2008
The whole plot of Rocky IV could be put on the back of a potage stamp – Apollo dies; Rocky seeks revenge. Nothing else happens. None of the characters change. Well, aside from Apollo, but he only changes because he snuffs it. But despite the fact that the film is wafer thin and deeply dumb, I still can't help but love Rocky IV....


Burgess Meredith

Rocky III

Tuesday, August 05, 2008
If the first Rocky film was a fairytale about the American underdog and the second film was about the American desire to grant second chances, then the third film is a cautionary tale about achieving the American dream. You see, after Rocky wins the world title, he becomes complacent. He spends all of his time hawking various products and merchandise. As a consequence,...