There’s no doubt in my mind that Batman Returns is better than Tim Burton’s first stab at making a film about the dark knight. Batman Returns is sharper, tighter, darker and, most importantly, more entertaining than its predecessor. In every regard it trumps the previous film.Now some people would say, ‘well, what about the Joker? Surely he’s better than the villains in this...
I can remember as a kid that Batman was supposedly going to traumatise an entire generation of children. It was going to be so dark, so scary and so downright evil that youngsters nationwide were going to shit themselves in unison. Hell, the BBFC even came up with a 12 rating to keep the little blighters out of cinemas. But when you look...
What a lovable pair the MacManus brothers are. They're Irish, they're religious and they horse about at work, hitting each other in the face with pieces of raw meat. What cracking fellows. Oh, and in their spare time (surprise, surprise) they drink a lot. The only problem is that some Russian Nikolai Volkov look-a-likes want to buy their favourite bar. They can't be...
Not having seen it for a fair few years, I was rather surprised at how much I enjoyed Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I mean, I've always liked it and I've always known it's funny, but I'd kind of forgotten just how good it is. And it's very good indeed.The first bit that had me laughing was the showdown with Kevin Bacon, where he...