Ben Affleck

Pearl Harbor

Saturday, June 30, 2007
Never before have I rooted for the Japanese in a Second World War flick. Never before have I so loathed the Allied forces.If Pearl Harbor is anything to go by then the American Navy was wholly populated by loud, obnoxious morons who spent their days courting empty-headed cunts while drinking and whooping like some thief had come along in the night, scooped out...


Al Pacino


Saturday, June 30, 2007
No wonder chavs and the hip-hop community look up to Tony Montana. He has no style, no class and is a deluded, loudmouth knob. What a perfect role model for individuals who think that bad clothes, bad music and an early death are all wonderful things to aspire to.I don't think anyone can watch Scarface and objectively call it a great film. It's...


Alan Parker

Pink Floyd: The Wall

Saturday, June 30, 2007
I guess whether you derive any enjoyment out of the film version of The Wall depends on whether you like the album. If you think the album is a bunch of pretentious whining nonsense, then you'll probably think the film is that tenfold. But if you like the record then you might well find something to enjoy. Personally, liking the album a great...


(Dir:) Lars von Trier


Thursday, June 28, 2007
I find it quite amusing that so many Americans were outraged that Lars von Trier had the temerity to criticise their country without having visited it. We do it all the time, don't we? Millions of us are quite content to sit on our sofas and criticise China, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Israel and countless other countries without having visited their shores. And we're...


(Dir:) Paul Schrader

Auto Focus

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Bob Crane is always going on about what a likable guy he is. Well, he may be polite and he may have a bland charm that appeals to housewives and poindexters, but can a man who cheats on two wives and ruins two marriages really be classed as likable? And Bob Crane also goes on about how normal he is. Well, yes, sex...


(Dir:) Werner Herzog

My Best Fiend

Sunday, June 10, 2007
I can't help but like Klaus Kinski. Sure that's easy for me to say, having only encountered him on film, but despite (or probably because of) the madness, the anger and the raving, there's something magnetic about the man. He's like no other actor out there. No one else was so crazy, so passionate and so captivating. He was certainly one of a...