(Dir:) Stanley Kubrick

The Shining

Saturday, May 19, 2007
It's well know that Stephen King doesn't like Stanley Kubrick's version of The Shining (so much so that he scripted an abysmal TV movie version). According to him, Kubrick didn't understand the horror genre. Well, I think Kubrick did. I think he understood it only too well. He knew that it was a genre full of conventions, cheap tricks and tired clichés. Therefore...


(Dir:) John Glen

A View to a Kill

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Looking at it coldly and objectively, A View to a Kill is a lousy Bond film. After all, it features a geriatric 007, a vapid heroine, a dull plot and it's full of lame attempts at humour. But perhaps because of this, it ends up being absurdly entertaining – it's certainly a million times more fun than shitfests like Die Another Day, Diamonds...